Zakaria: Republicans and Democrats, there is a feeling and they are making this argument that they face a new China… And this will require a very different American response than the previous policy of many decades. How do you react to that? Why do you think this has happened?
Cui Tiankai:I think people have to fully recognize the realities of today's world. Actually, the Chinese civilization has been there for about 5,000 years, much longer than the U.S.. And there is strong continuity for the Chinese civilization and there are ongoing efforts by the Chinese people to modernize our own country. This has never changed, whether in the last 70 years or in the last seven years. This is a continuing process. We certainly have the legitimate right to build our country into a modernized, strong, prosperous country, like every other country in the world.
I think the fundamental question for the U.S. is very simple −− Is the U.S. ready or willing to live with another country with very different culture, very different political and economic systems, whether the U.S. is ready to live with it in peace and cooperate on so many and still growing global challenges. I think this is a real choice. This is a fundamental choice people have to make.
Do you think Donald Trump is a friend of China, or is he an adversary?
Cui Tiankai: Well, for us, President Trump is President of the U.S. elected by the American people. So we are ready to work with him and his administration to build a more stable and stronger relation between our two great countries. Of course, any U.S. leaders, any U.S. administration would represent U.S. interests. The same is true for Chinese leaders and the Chinese government. But the key is to identify our growing common interests, areas where our two countries can really work together for the common interests of the two peoples and for the broader common interests of the international community. At the same time, we have to do a good job in managing any possible differences between us in a constructive way. That's been our approach all along. We are always ready and open to work together with the U.S. government, any administration. And especially, we still have confidence in the goodwill of the American people, and we have the same kind of goodwill towards the American people. So I think as great powers, big countries with heavy responsibilities not only for ourselves but also for the world, we really have to base our policies on a good perception of the common interests, on growing global challenges and how the international community would expect us to do, and not allow suspicion, fear, or even hatred to hijack our foreign policy.#新冠疫情
Zakaria: There is a sense that the Chinese government, both at the local level and the national level, hid things from the world, from the WHO. Even now, China is now censoring academic articles on COVID-19, to make sure that they do not presumably express something inconvenient to the government. Is there not a case to be made that China should be much more transparent with the pandemic that is afterwards affecting the whole world?
Cui Tiankai: I think this is a gross misperception. Actually, the fact is, at the very early stage of the pandemic, almost nobody knew anything about this new virus, how serious it was and the routes of transmission. There was very little knowledge all over the world about this new pandemic. So it is a continuing process of discovering, learning more about the virus and trying to do better job in response to it. This is an ongoing process.
And actually, at the very early days, as early as the first few days in January, we reported to the World Health Organization about the few cases of what people at the time called "pneumonia with unknown cause". People still didn't know how to define this new virus, but we reported to the WHO. And within a few days when we learned more about it, we shared the genome sequences of this virus with the WHO and everybody else. As early as on January 4, the fourth day of this year, the two CDCs, Chinese CDC and U.S. CDC, had their communication about this new virus.
So this is an ongoing process to strengthen global cooperation, to build up our knowledge, to coordinate responses of various countries. The WHO sent their experts to China as early as in mid-February. During the WHA, the World Health Assembly in May, China together with more than 140 other countries, co-sponsored a resolution on strengthening global cooperation in response to the pandemic. And President Xi Jinping announced a significant increase in our financial support to the WHO. Of course, some other country may already consider withdrawing from the WHO, but we strengthened our support to it. This is still going on. We are working with the WHO for some scientific cooperation, scientific and technical work that can be done together between China and WHO and the scientists of other countries, to trace the origin of the virus, to learn more about its transmission, and how to contain it, how to treat people, how to cure people, how to save lives, how to develop vaccine. There's still a lot of work to do together. This is the fact. And the timeline is very clear.
关于南海问题,崔天凯在连线中指出,中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益主张有充分历史和法理依据,在领土主权问题上的立场非常坚定。尽管如此,中方仍愿同其他声索国通过外交谈判解决争端。但一些国家,尤其是美国,千方百计想要插手,在该地区派遣军力,强化军事存在,强度、频度都非常高,然而美国至今还不是《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国 。
Zakaria: In the South China Sea, you saw Mike Pompeo statement. But of course you also have had an international ruling that what China is doing in the South China Sea is a violation of international law. Will China change course and accept that it has, in fact, been violating international law in terms of its activities in the South China Sea?
But at the same time, we have a very strong position on our sovereignty, on the territorial claim in the region. Our claims have very strong historical and legal foundation. But still we want to solve all the disputes with other countries, with other claimant countries, through diplomatic negotiation. You see I myself, some years ago, took part in the work on the Declaration of Conduct between China and the ASEAN countries. Now we are working on the Code of Conduct, and we are making good progress. Actually, without outside interference, the situation in the region was cooling down, was quite stable. Unfortunately, countries like the U.S., particularly the U.S., are trying very hard to intervene, to send their military, to strengthen their military presence in the region. The intensity and frequency is so high. But ironically, the U.S. is not yet a contracting party to the Convention on the Law of the Sea. I don't know how many people are aware of this.
Zakaria: The Chinese government has essentially imposed mainland law on Hong Kong with the National Security Law. And the concern that I've heard from many Western businesses is that they are worried that if they would go to Hong Kong, they could be picked up under this law by the Chinese government, and held in very much the way the two Canadians have been picked up and are being held hostage. Will the Chinese government, will Beijing use this law to arrest people it regards as having defamed China, which is what the law allows it to do if they are in Hong Kong?
The new law is intended just for that purpose, to maintain and safeguard "One Country, Two Systems", to make Hong Kong more stable, more secure for everybody, for the Hong Kong residents as well as for foreign investors. People could have a more predictable, safer environment to do their business in Hong Kong. That's the real purpose of this law.
According to the Basic Law of Hong Kong, some of the national laws do apply to Hong Kong when they are concerning national sovereignty and territorial integrity, unity of the country. They have to apply; otherwise, there's no "One Country". But if people try to undermine or even destroy this very basis of "One Country", then there is no place for the "Two Systems". So if people try to undermine "One Country", they're actually undermining the "Two Systems" as well.
对于有美国政客捏造所谓“中国在新疆强制实施包括绝育和堕胎在内的计划生育”的谣言,崔天凯认为这是“基于来源可疑的报道就轻下判断和结论,是非常遗憾的。” 他指出,过去40多年来,新疆的维吾尔族人口增长了一倍以上,从增长率来看,较之全国人口和汉族人口都要高很多。崔天凯认为美方有关说法完全是荒谬的捏造。
Zakaria: Senator Elizabeth Warren has said that based on the reports, there have come credible reports that China is engaging in essentially forced population control, including sterilization and abortions, that China's actions in Xinjiang should constitute the legal definition of genocide. How do you respond to that?
Cui Tiankai: I think it's very unfortunate people are basing their perceptions or judgments on reports of questionable sources. I could give you a real number. The Uygur population in Xinjiang has more than doubled in the last 40 years. The growth is much bigger than the population growth all over the country and much bigger than the growth of population of the Han ethnic group. I don't know how people got all these wrong numbers. The real number is the population has more than doubled in the last 40 years.